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News Archive - Laura Margoni

UC San Diego to be Recognized for Excellence in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

June 8, 2017

UC San Diego will receive two 2017 Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Best Practice Awards for its electric vehicle leasing/charging program and a monitoring-based commissioning project. The annual awards highlight achievements that University of California and California State University campuses have made through innovative and effective energy efficiency projects and sustainable operations.

Preuss School Teacher Anne Artz Receives Fulbright Award

June 7, 2017

Anne Artz, a teacher at The Preuss School UCSD, will spend her summer vacation a little differently this year. Approximately one week after she finishes the school year on June 23, Artz will head to Vietnam for a six-week teaching stint as part of the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Short-Term grant.

Alumnus Taner Halicioglu Kicks off Campaign for UC San Diego with $75 Million Gift

March 27, 2017

A $75 million gift from Facebook pioneer Taner Halicioglu will establish the Halicioglu Institute for Data Science at UC San Diego. The computer science alumnus hopes that the new institute will promote a cross-disciplinary field that is considered the backbone of many other disciplines.

Alumnus Taner Halicioglu Kicks off Campaign for UC San Diego with $75 Million Gift

March 27, 2017

A $75 million gift from Facebook pioneer Taner Halicioglu will establish the Halicioglu Institute for Data Science at UC San Diego. The computer science alumnus hopes that the new institute will promote a cross-disciplinary field that is considered the backbone of many other disciplines.

UC San Diego Undergraduate Named Principal Community Scholar

February 9, 2017

Selena Lopez was recently recognized for her efforts to give back to the San Diego community while promoting health, the environment and social justice. The Sustainability Office student ambassador has been selected to participate in the Principal Community Scholar Program, a prestigious opportunity to lead a campus community service project and receive a $1,000 scholarship.

UC San Diego Vehicles Make a ‘Green’ Oil Change

October 13, 2016

UC San Diego Fleet Services is replacing the motor oil in its vehicles with a greener alternative – bio-based motor oil made from plants. The new green transportation demonstration project is part of a larger commitment to advance sustainable principles throughout campus.

UC San Diego Named SDG&E Energy Champion

July 7, 2016

The University of California San Diego was honored as an Energy Champion of Higher Education at SDG&E’s 11th annual Energy Showcase and commended for its “remarkable commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency and conservation.”

Ticket to a Brighter Future

June 22, 2016

When Tatiana Jones begins attending Syracuse University this fall, there’s one thing she won’t have to worry about: the cost. That’s because Jones is one of four seniors at The Preuss School UCSD recently awarded the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholarship, which covers all college costs for undergraduate and graduate education.`

Celebrate the Preuss Promise May 6

May 4, 2016

When Monika Langarica was born, she says her parents liked to think the stars had aligned and she was destined for greatness. But it wasn’t the stars that got her to where she is today – working as an immigration attorney with a nonprofit legal center in Northern California. It was the hard work she put in and the tireless support she received from others while she was a student at The Preuss School UCSD, a charter middle and high school for low-income students who strive to become the first in their families to graduate from college.

2016 UC San Diego Sustainability Awardees Announced

April 21, 2016

As part of Earth Month at UC San Diego, the Sustainability Office will host the 2016 Sustainability Awards on April 26, 2016. Nine award recipients will be honored at this event for their dedication, advocacy and support for practices and procedures that have contributed to sustainability and renewable energy on the UC San Diego campus.
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